This Blog

Allowing you to be "the fly on the wall" and experience the Overview, Operations, and Outcomes in Rm 63

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In A Wordle...


Wordle is a program for generating word clouds from text that you provide. They can be changed and altered according to text size, font, color, and layout. The clouds are a representation of the text with more prominent words representing their increased used in the text. Wordclouds can be simple or complex, and can be printed, or shared.


The Government class completed a simple Wordle project using the text students provided. All students received the same prompt. "What does America mean to you?" From this prompt question students were to create a Wordle that had a minimum of 15 words they would use to explain what America means to them. Studnets input the text into the word cloud generator and created a Wordle specific to their perspective and point of view.


This activity allowed students to see how prominent ideas were focused in their Wordle. They utilized a simple web tool and created a product to both share and display. Each student printed out their Wordle and they are displayed on the bulliten board in room #63. They also saved their Wordle and embedded the image into their personal Wikispace page created to display their work. This simple activity was an engaging way to incorprorate technology into a reflective prompt dealing with the personal viewpoint of America.

Click & Check Them Out

Monday, September 20, 2010

Skype with Sipe


Skype is a software application that combines the features of a telephone and webcam enabling the parties connected to talk and see each other over the Internet. The service is free and is a tremendous way for classrooms separated by distance to collaborate in real time.


On Monday the Economics class was given the opportunity to Skype with a 6th grade reading class in Randolph NY taught by Mr. Sipe. (check out his website) It was an exercise in introduction. As educators it was our desire to familiarize students to the Skype experience in a way that was informal and put students at ease. Our classes met for approximately twenty minutes and took turns introducing classrooms and each other. They were able to challenge student thinking through the sharing of riddles, they learned new vocabulary by comparing classrooms, and were exposed to students they do not see everyday.


The Skype experience was one that the students truly enjoyed. They were able to take a glimpse outside of the four walls of the classroom and see education in action at another school. This experience enhanced the student perspective of education overall by allowing them to visualize an alternative learning environment and compare that environment with theirs. We thank Mr. Sipe and his reading class for taking the time to connect with us, and we look forward to more opportunities to learn from those beyond our district.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Google Tools

In the spirit of a new year, new blog, and new things, the classes in Room #63 utilized a NEW instrument for some assessment and response. Using GoogleDocs a form was created to collect student answers. The created form was embedded into the teacher webpage and students accessed it through the school homepage.


Using this process were were able to provide the students an assessment instrument without having to use the copying machine and paper. This system also allowed students who were absent to still access the material in a timely fashion without having to miss additional class time to make up an exam. They were able to do this via an Internet connection at home and still participate in the daily activities of the class.

From a teacher perspective I was able to gather all the student data and responses in a single spreadsheet for each class and did not have to worry about re-distributing exams. Student confidentiality was maintained since there was no papers moving about with grades and names attached.


The result was an interactive experience that students enjoyed. It was a NEW experience for most. It enabled them to both get acquainted with new technologies, and participate in a paperless classroom experience.

The technology component made this enjoyable for all since the students desire to use and implement new technologies.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Beginning


Throughout this first week back we have slowly introduced some of the technology tools we will be using this year. The first tool we set up, introduced, and explored was Edmodo. This is an private interactive micro-blogging social platform that provides an environment allowing for the sharing of ideas, files, and assignments in real time.


We utilized this in an introductory manner this week to give students a feel of the process and nature of micro-blogging and discussion. Edmodo allows for both teacher and student to post their own notes and respond to notes through comments. For the teacher it provides for document file sharing, assignment delivery, embedding and linking for other collaboration and interaction. During our first attempts students were given a short period of time to explore Edmodo and experience some of the interactive components that it has to offer, such as the polling feature.


We all are really excited about what we will be able to do and accomplish with Edmodo, and looking forward to the interaction and collaboration within the classroom that it provides. Edmodo has brought a different perspective to many of the students about the role technology can play in education. The usefulness in the classroom is tremendous, and we are fortunate to have the technological capabilities here at HCS to implement this into content instruction.