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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

TECHnically Movtivating


I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with 6th gade classes classes this year teaching Technology. This class has been a tremendous learning opportunity and has allowed for us to explore technology in many various ways.  On recent way we utilized technology was by working to create motivational posters to challenge students in various ways do either do their best, act kind, or be a positive role model for others.   


Students began by brainstorming ways they wanted to challenge their Hinsdale peers to improve.  The students worked to an action or idea that reflected positive behavior and then created a title and saying for their own personal motivational poster they would create.

 The students then created photo opportunities to illustrate the particular behavior they wanted to address, and used a digital camera to take photos of that behavior.  After taking photos, students uploaded them and utilized Big Huge Labs to create a personalized motivational poster.  


 These posters are now displayed through the halls of the school and are encouraging all who see them in the building to work on improving their actions and character. They serve as a constant motivational reminder to others and are a great example of something technologically simple that can have a tremendous impact.