This Blog

Allowing you to be "the fly on the wall" and experience the Overview, Operations, and Outcomes in Rm 63

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Google Tools

In the spirit of a new year, new blog, and new things, the classes in Room #63 utilized a NEW instrument for some assessment and response. Using GoogleDocs a form was created to collect student answers. The created form was embedded into the teacher webpage and students accessed it through the school homepage.


Using this process were were able to provide the students an assessment instrument without having to use the copying machine and paper. This system also allowed students who were absent to still access the material in a timely fashion without having to miss additional class time to make up an exam. They were able to do this via an Internet connection at home and still participate in the daily activities of the class.

From a teacher perspective I was able to gather all the student data and responses in a single spreadsheet for each class and did not have to worry about re-distributing exams. Student confidentiality was maintained since there was no papers moving about with grades and names attached.


The result was an interactive experience that students enjoyed. It was a NEW experience for most. It enabled them to both get acquainted with new technologies, and participate in a paperless classroom experience.

The technology component made this enjoyable for all since the students desire to use and implement new technologies.

1 comment:

  1. Google will take over the world! I am just getting into what it can do. Awesome Mr. griffith!
